Monday, June 20, 2011

Yarn and Cupcakes

I would say that my collection is big... and then I see others collections expanding across rooms and then giggle. But somehow the yarn laying places all twisted up and sitting in piles next to things looks almost romantic to me at times. I'm silly I know. But I look at it all and think of the textures and the lovely things that will be made out of it. But this is mine, in a basket that I did not buy intending to hold them all. Right now I am making a queen ann lace scarf that has the dark grey yarn and the pink crochet thread together. It looks adorable. But for winter, it would be beautiful against a dark grey or black wool jacket. I'm making it long too, I hate when I see beautiful scarfs that you want to also keep you somewhat warm too. So it should be able to circle around at least twice... I hope. Lol.

This is the darling little bunny I have cricut out and am putting on the back of the cards that I make. I adore her, bubbly and cute.

And this is one of the cupcake just a note cards that I made. I made 6 of them in two different prints with a larger flat cupcake in the inside cut from the American Alphabet already pre - installed on the anniversary cricut. And I just found out that also on that pre - installed cartridge there is some much needed phrases I am going to use lots. Next I am going to make an owl thinking of you card for a friend to go with a crocheted owl that I made her. I hope that she likes it.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

5th Anniversary Cricut !

The love of my life got me the 5th Anniversary Cricut. <3 (Thank you Love) And I absolutely adore it. It was a little hard to get used to and even thou I got it last month I just learned how to make a cut inside of another with a center point. It was easier before when I could move the cutter around where I wanted it, but now that I know how to do it it might get better. 
I got half a dozen owl thank you cards done and I'm working on another half a dozen ur sweet cupcake cards. That are super cute and sweet in their own way. I'm doing them full card size too. Nothing too small and they look just perfect. - My only complaint is this - the cutting mat that came with the 5th Ann. doesn't seem to be as sticky. So when I applied my paper it was sticky but now a month later it seems to not be sticking very well... last night I had to hold down the paper on the mat and was not to terribly happy about that. I need to look for my others that I have somewhere. 
Hmmmm... what else have I been doing? Oh well, after I looked around on etsy and knew I had a new cricut I decided to make a cover for it. Ya know, like a toaster cover but for the cricut. Tee hee. I know. Now it looks like a huge twinkie. 

The second is a little fuzzy because my cannon was acting up last night and I don't know specifically why. But at least I have one picture right now. I call it my over sized twinkie. But its super cute and I love it so. 
Hope your having a good afternoon, I'm here with a blanket draped over me because its chilly and I'm not feeling super. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I've caught the owl 'bug'

Both owls will be for sale when my cousin and I start up our Etsy site either later this month or next. But I love love loved making them. I adore them! I don't know what exactly made me catch the owl bug either! I know the white one was my first and I thought I was going to make a bean bag bottomed bunny... but that didn't happen. In one day I created a cute little snow owl! And the other was created in three days only because I had allot of other things going on. She doesn't have a bean bag bottom and is chunky'er than the snow owl. I haven't named her yet either... she should have a cute little girls name. I have made another but I am sewing in the zipper currently because she is a little handbag whos eyes are buttons and wings are pockets.... super cute. But she will come on a later post when I have her finished.
I look places and see owl stuff and it just grabs my attention. I even bought owl stickers the other day!! ( I thought they would look cute on the tags for the above ) I know the whole owl thing has been out for a while now and I'm late to catch on, but how cute! And I had so much fun making them as I used no pattern so each is different and I don't have to keep referring to a pattern to see what to do next. <3 Because really, unless its a video pattern, I hate them. Even though there are dozens of cute ones online and in books.
I think my next crocheted item will be a zombie or a Dino. But I might have to hide the Dino from my two year old if I did because I am sure that he would steal it as his own. Tee hee. Oooooh, ok there is another owl project I did, but its not really for sale. I made one for my son ( without the teether ) and two with a teether for my cousins baby. -

But I can actually say that I let my son pick out the fabric for it. He must have caught on to seeing them everywhere around me and thought he might as well go with it too. And each of the boys love their blankies/taggies so much. I had to sneak to get my son to go into another room to get his in the laundry today too! He had spilled milk on it and goodness knows I don't want him snuggling up to that when its all smelly. Thank goodness he has three others in different designs. I also made my cousin's son a blankie/taggie in the shape of a car to match his nursery but have misplaced the photo at the moment. But trust me its absolutely adorable!

Friday, June 10, 2011

A belly ache and shopping adventure

Yesterday we got back from a little three day trip with my Love and it was nice to be in a hotel and just lay around if we didn't want to do anything. And we went out to dinner and saw Thor in 3D. There was major thunderstorms going on with heavy rain so bad it was hard to see the road in front of you on the way down. We got there safe thou and relaxed and got to be with one another and relax. ( I asked to go to Joann fabrics but he laughed at me, tee hee )
 But today didn't start out so good with me having a headache, then a belly ache, and my two year old going from one thing to another and making me want to rip out my hair in chunks. But somehow I got through.- But not before I went to wallyworld for the pepto tabs and you know I had to go into the scrapbooking section to see if there was something new. Today might have ended up with me having some chewy pepto tabs, some chocolate Haagen-Dazs and cutting paper for the thank you cards that I am making to sell. I think I will be ok after all.
There wasn't anything new but they were having a really nice sale on some old stock and I got the above pictured things for waaaaay cheaper than I regularly would have gotten them for. I was really looking for the new Love You A Latte lite cartridge but it wasn't to be found there. And the one that I just got was my first lite cartridge. I like that it wasn't eighty bucks and that they have started to carry them at Walmart. Makes my life a little easier when I want to find something to make on the fly, especially for a holiday or something. Can't wait to show you the other things I have to put up on here, but for tonight and my first post I think that will be ok. :)
I hope everyone else is having a nice and relaxing night!